What is
Short Run CD Duplication?
What is short Run CD Duplication and who
needs it. Short run CD Duplication Is the heart of our
business. Short Run usually consist of a 1000 Cd’s or less.
Short Run is what most customers are looking for. If you
duplicate too many CD’s they may end up in your closet years
from now, so why not start out with a manageable amount of
CD’s and work your way thru them until you need to order some
more. We specialize in orders of 100 CD’s at time. It’s the
mainstay of our business.
You may be using your music CD for fans.
Musicians and artists sell their CD’s to fans after shows and
open mic events. This is a great way of getting your music
out to the masses. This is great way to build a following and
grow your band or name.
Trade Shows:
If you do trade shows or speaking
engagements short run CD Duplication is a great way to get
your product out to the series clients you might meet at trade
shows or speaking events. A lot people will order 100 to 500
CD’s for these type of events because they are easy to pass
Maybe you need to training material that
you need to pass out to a few 100 people in your organization.
Shortrun cd duplication is a great way to get those items out
to you staff or trainees. You may need DVD Material for your
training, videos is a great way to spell it all out.
If you’re a teacher or small school,
trade organization then a short run of CDs or DVDs is a great
way to get your lesson plan out to the right people. You may
need to burn a handful .PDF’s to a CD-ROM to inform your class
of certain material.
There are a lot great uses for CD
Duplication for the business world, from training to selling.
You may need CD Duplication and DVD duplication for new hire
training, data storage, Instructional videos, and the beat
goes on.
Other usages for short run CD Duplication
is data archiving materials for reference. You may need to put
recruiting materials on your cd’s or dvd’s. maybe you have a
big conference coming up and you need to pass out materials
for your new product or idea, a CD or DVD beats the heck out
of piece of paper. You may need to court investors for your
business or idea, putting everything on CD or DVD is great way
get your message across.
If you need CD or DVD Duplication don’t
hesitate to give us a call. We’ll fill your order right away
and get you headed in the right direction.